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International Bookarts event

The MCBA Prize 2011

The Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA) Prize is the first honor in the United States to
recognize book art from across the field and around the world. Five finalists
will be selected to each receive a $500 cash award, and up to $750 travel and
lodging stipend to be honored at a gala celebration at MCBA's Book Art
Biennial. From these five finalists, the jury will select the MCBA Prize winner
and award them an additional $2,000 (total $2,500).

All artists who use the book format are eligible, and all
techniques and methods -- from fine  press works to inexpensive multiples, to
installation or sculptural book work -- will be considered. Work must have been
completed since August 1, 2009. Complete eligibility guidelines are available on
MCBA's website:

Deadline for entries is 8 April 2011.

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Click the image for a view of: The Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA)
The Minnesota Center for Book Arts (MCBA)
Click the image for a view of: MCBA PRIZE 2009 WINNER, Veronika Schäpers. Tokyo, Japan. Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E
MCBA PRIZE 2009 WINNER, Veronika Schäpers. Tokyo, Japan. Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E
Click the image for a view of: Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E
Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E
Click the image for a view of: Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E
Durs Grünbein: 26°57,3’N, 142º16,8’E


© Jack Ginsberg Centre for Book Arts (JGCBA). All rights reserved.